Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 349 - Meagan and Luke

In 2009, Matt and I went to Charleston, SC for a week to visit his dad.  We were joined by his sister, Courtney and his other sister, Meagan and her family.

Meagan is married to Aaron and they currently have 2 sons.  At the time, they just had little Luke.

This is Megs and Luke sharing a moment together in the surf.  I love their arms around each other. 

Family is good.  :)

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 348 - Menacing Look

"Gee Brain, what are we going to do tonight?" - Pinky

"The same thing we do every night, Pinky.  Try to take over the WORLD!!!!!" - Brain

I think this is what Corbin was thinking. 

That or he is plotting his parent's demise for making him endure this photo session.

Haa haaa haaa!  :)  He is so cute! 

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 347 - Sunflowers in the Sun

I hope I don't have another blog post by the same title, I did not check....

I'm a bit behind in blogging.  I should have finished my 365 day project yesterday.  Oh, well.  I WILL finish it - even if it is a few weeks late.  Who's going to judge me?  Certainly not myself - I understand what a year it's been.  :)

This is a lovely couple of sunflowers taken this past September behind my parent's house in East TN. 

I happen to adore this picture.  Glad I finally got around to editing it.  I may have to print and frame this one.  :) 

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 346 - Baby Shower Fun

One of my licensed veterinary technicians at work, Jess, is pregnant with identical twin boys.  We threw her a shower last week and had a jolly good time.  One of the other techs, Tara, came up with a really fun game that also made for some great pictures.

We were split into groups of two - one mommy, one non-mommy (in real life.)  The non-mommies were allowed to use their right hands and the mommies had to use their left.  Working together, we had to put a cloth diaper (pins and all!) on a doll and dress him.  We were timed.

Group 1 above was Dr. Barton and Debbie.  While they were likely the most entertaining (I hate I missed the photo-op of Dr. Barton holding the baby upside down by one leg) - they did have the slowest time. 

Group two was Kendra and Cindy - they were quiet, quick, and efficient.  They definitely had the time to beat! 

Mrs. Bowman and Karen were the only group with two mommies - they worked diligently and quickly, but came up a few seconds shy of taking the lead from Cindy and Kendra. 

Heather and I were the last to go.  We made a good team, but truth be known, Heather could have dressed that doll one handed all by herself!  But I did get to help a little and we won!  :) 

Fun baby shower game, indeed.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 345 - It's getting cold outside

This was taken in February of last year during the craziest icicle 'storm' I have ever seen!

No icicles yet.  But I know they are coming....

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 344 - Photoshoot Mishaps

Sometimes during those newborn photo shoots I do, there are mishaps of the bodily function kind.

Today, my friend Chris was the victim of TWO of those mishaps - getting urinated on TWICE by his 7 day old son, Joshua. 

He was a champ about it, though.  :) 

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 343 - Little Keaton

Wee tiny Keaton, son of my good friends Kipp and Jenny.

I miss them.  :(  They moved away. 

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 341 - Photographing the Siamese Trees

Another California picture.  This one was obviously NOT taken by me.  :) 

Jonathan took this one of me trying to capture the wonder of what I dubbed the 'Siamese Trees.'  They were remarkable.  My capture of them was not, however.

What they were:  two trees connected in the middle.  Only one tree had roots and only one tree had leaves.   You can see in the picture the tree with roots in the ground and the second tree (to it's left) does not have any roots!  It just ends.  Floating in mid-air.  A stump.

As you move up the trees you see their joint connection in the middle.  (Well, actually you can't see it in this picture, sorry.)

Then the tree on the left bursts into life at the top with sprawling branches and green goodness while the tree on the right looks at the top like the left tree does at the bottom:  a stump.


The trees were not marked with anything - they were just one of those things that as we were hiking along I looked up and said 'whoa!'  So glad I was paying attention.  They are still one of my favorite things from this trip. 

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