Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 12 - December 26, 2009

I'm not going to make a habit of posting pictures a year after they were taken, but this one seemed fitting. 

This is not retouched in any way - this is straight out of the camera.  A brilliant sunset, to be sure. 

We were driving home after blowing our own Christmas ornaments at Sunspots Studios in Staunton.  It was a jolly good time.  There was a lot of snow on the ground, still - so there were not many people out driving.  We turned onto this road and I exclaimed 'stop!' to Matt (who was driving.)  So, he stopped in the middle of the road so I could get out and run up and down it taking pictures.  There are others, but this one is my favorite.  For now. 

I am a huge fan of sunsets - they almost always allow true worship to rise up in my heart. 

God is so creative.  So powerful.  So worthy. 

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