Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 15 - Boba Fett in a Tree

I love this picture.  I love the story behind it even more.  :)

After my brevity last night - tonight's blog will have some meat to it.  Enjoy the feast!

So, I have a friend that is currently deployed to Afghanistan.  He's a lawyer, a serious-type, and a lover of Little Debbie snack cakes.  When Matt and I were in TN visiting last summer, we came upon his address and some things he would like in a care package.  Little Debbies were not on the list.

I told my husband that we HAD to send him a care package.  First, he would totally not expect one from us and second, we could send him a massive amount of Little Debbies.  We live right down the road from one of their manufacturing facilities and they have a thrift store.  LD's for cheap!

Ever the over-achiever, I set out to create a super fun care package.

I asked another one of my friends who has done two trips to the Middle East what kinds of things she appreciated in her care packages.  She gave me some great ideas including a 'good' magazine like 'Wired.'  I looked at Target - but they didn't have it.  This led me to Books-A-Million.  After procuring the magazine, I was walking to the front of the store.  There was a bin with big-headed stuffed comic book characters sitting by the aisle.  They were fun.  I picked up Spider Man and thought...... maybe.  Then I found an Incredible Hulk.  Nope.  Then I found a Storm Trooper!!  Yes!  THIS would be great to send to him........

And then I found Boba Fett.

I stood there - for probably a good 4 or 5 minutes debating on how this would be received.  Would he think it absolutely ridiculous?  Was I being too girly-girl to send a grown man soldier in the desert a stuffed big-headed Boba Fett?

I decided to chance it.  I showed it to my husband voicing my concerns and was wholeheartedly supported to send him. 

I was hanging out on the couch and I was struck with a brilliant, albeit silly, idea.  I looked at my hubby and said "so, I'm thinking I want to have some fun with Boba Fett.  Pictures from home were included on the list of things that he would like sent to him.  He lived closed to here for a while - so that should count.  Let's take Boba Fett out and about and take some pictures of him."

I wasn't sure what my hubs reaction would be - but he loved the idea!  So, we set out on a grand adventure that really was one of the funnest afternoons we've ever had.

We took Boba up on the Blue Ridge Parkway, we took him to rock climb and tree climb, and we took him to Cracker Barrel.  My friend loves Cracker Barrel - so it was only fitting.  We took pictures of Boba Fett in the rocking chairs, playing checkers, and sitting by a plate of hash-brown casserole (his favorite.)  We then took his picture by the empty plate of hash-brown casserole.  :)

We put the pictures together in a completely legit scrapbook (and I'm SO sad that I forgot to take pictures of the actual scrapbook!)  and put it in the care package.  My husband and I absolutely laughed our heads off at our captions that we put on the pictures.

My friend wrote me a hand-written thank you note and promised to take us to dinner when he was back in town.  I hope we go to Cracker Barrel.  :)

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  1. That was a great idea. What a way to make a care package go from "really caring and nice" to "you are the coolest person EVER". :)
