Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 20 - The Silly Todd

Ok, so this picture is odd because I cut it all round and stuff for a scrapbook of my vet school career.  However, it is also hysterical. 

This is my friend, Todd.  He's a wonderful guy, a fun friend, and though I have never worked with him as a true 'doctor' I am sure he is a wonderful veterinarian.  He also has a blog!  You can read it here

This particular picture was taken during our second-year anesthesia lab.  I do believe Todd was having a little fun with his very sedated little patient.  :) 

If we didn't have fun at our job - we wouldn't do it.  And I'm glad that Todd is one of those people in my life who help to remind me to have fun and enjoy the ride! 


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  1. BWAHAHAHAHA! Those were the days! Thanks for your kind words. I believe if we didn't laugh through those vet school years.....we may not have made it!
