Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 25 - Baby Bits of Faith

This is a picture of a collage I put together of my friend's little girl, Faith.

This is not the first one of these I've done, and the idea was not my own.  I stole the idea of 'baby bits' from the collages on the wall of the home of Dr. Nice.  He and his wife have a friend who is a professional photographer and has done this for their children.

I did not replicate the collage precisely - I did add my own uniqueness to it.  But I love the idea and have loved the results of each one.  I'll likely post all the collages on the blog before the year is through.  The picture of the collages do not look near as good as the collages do in person, but, hey, that's expected.

But Faith is one cute baby, no?  :)

The challenge of these shoots is always getting a still frame of each body part - the hands are usually the hardest.  I have had to actually go back and re-take shots for 2 of the 4 collages I have done.  :)  I had to do that for Faith, in fact.  Ever the perfectionist, I want to be able to give their parents a really high quality keepsake of their babies.

I am thankful that they allow me to do so - it's a really fun hobby for me.  :)

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