Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 27 - Sunrise Snow Fog

Sometimes you find yourself at the right place at the right time.  I feel this way about this picture which was taken in February of 2009. 

It was early morning and I was on my way to work.  Obviously, there had been a recent snow - and the road was actually pretty slick with ice and snow.  This pond is near my house and in the dip of a curve that bends to the left. 

I saw the early morning light shining on the trees and the fog in the pasture and was spellbound.  I HAD to take a picture! 

There was no one else on the road - so I stopped (yes, I stopped in the middle of the icy road in a curve) and rolled down my window and took some pictures.  I was very thankful that no one came down the road in either direction and that my car was able to regain traction. 

SO worth it.  :)  (Please click on the picture to make it bigger!)

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