Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 29 - Tyler's Story

Every once in a while an animal will cross my path that teaches me the joy of compassion and hope.

This is Tyler's story. :)

This is Tyler. He is very brave and very loved. He is also very, very lucky. :) He was injured by a child who was mean to him. He suffered a broken leg and a torn muscle in his belly (a hernia.) He almost died.

I actually recommended to his owner that we just put him down. He was so small and his injuries so severe, that it was going to cost a lot of money to fix him - and I wasn't sure we even could. But they insisted we try. And I'm so glad we did. :)

He absolutely worked his way into my heart and I fell head over heels in love with him. He is just one of the greatest kittens I have ever met.

After a weekend of very intensive care at our clinic, he was strong enough to go into surgery to repair his injuries.

Despite everything that happened to him - he kept his friendly personality. He would purr every time I would talk to him and would lick my fingers and 'mark' me with his head.

He was in pretty severe pain - but it just didn't stop him.

Tyler helped to teach me the lesson that 'no matter what happens to you, you have the ability to choose: you can bite the people who are trying to help you when you are hurt and really feel like biting or you can purr through the pain and lick the hands of those that obviously care about you.' He's quite a smart cat.

 This story was reposted from my Facebook account - sorry for the duplicate, but it's a story worth retelling. 

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