Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 44 - Tea Time

I traveled to Dhaka, Bangladesh in February 2005 (hard to believe it's been that long!) for a month.  I was sent via Christian Veterinary Missions with a senior vet student at the time, Holly.

Like a LOT of countries, Bangladesh has some British influence.  One thing that seems to stick from our friends across the pond is a love of tea.  And tea time. 

We were out working this day - on our way to another farm in fact - when Lawrence (the livestock officer in charge of us) said it was time for tea!  I remember thinking "aren't we supposed to be working?  Aren't people waiting for us?"  I figured out they could just wait.  :) 

This was basically a roadside vendor who made us a wonderfully rich, sweet, hot cup of milk, sugar, and tea. 

It was SO good!  You can't tell from the picture, but he was heating it up in a small condensed milk can. 

And this is one of my favorite pictures from the entire trip. 

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