Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 46 - Valley Favorite

Commonwealth Veterinary Clinic is where I have worked for the past 8 1/2 years - ever since I graduated from vet school in TN.

I so wish we had more of the staff in this picture - but they don't all work at the same time.  :(  This picture has all 4 of us doctors, all four of our licensed technicians, our hospital administrator, and 2 receptionists. 

Our local newspaper takes votes for the 'Valley Favorites' of different categories of businesses.  We've been the Valley Fave vet clinic for 5 or 6 years running now, I believe.  But this year they gave us a sign!  So cool! 

I did take this picture.  I have a little remote hidden in my hands.  :)

It's such a great crew - I feel so blessed to be able to work alongside these folks.  And I'm glad that our clients like us enough to vote for us year after year. 

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