Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 48 - Tired Feet and a Tired Dog

I have a thing for feet pictures, apparently.  :)  Actually - I know that to be true.

This was after a strenuous hike to  the Cow Camp Gap shelter on the AT in VA - Neema (the dog), myself, Matt, Paul and Bob backpacked to this shelter on May 14, 2005.

I just looked at my flickr note for this picture and it says: The best advice Paul (or Bob, can't remember which) ever gave me:  when backpacking - always bring along 'camp shoes.'  One of the joys of getting to camp is taking off the heavy hiking shoes and putting on roomy, breathable, light sandals - it really is like heaven for the feet. 

So true!

I had a hard time with this hike.  I'm not sure if it was dehydration, post-cycle anemia, or just plain ol fatigue - but I had to stop repeatedly due to getting light-headed and dizzy.  I could not keep up with the boys, that's for sure.  But I had my dog!  Oh wait, no, the little traitor always hiked behind Paul when she had that option.  He was most definitely her 'pack leader' when he was around.

The picture is of my feet on the left, Matt's are directly to my right, and I'm pretty sure those are Paul's on the far side.  But they could have been Bob's. 

We did not have the shelter to ourselves that night.  There were mice that kept Neema and I awake and there was another hiker - an older fella who went by the trail name 'Ambling Along.'  The guys were gentlemanly and put all 3 of their bodies between me and the stranger.  :)

We hiked all day and got to the shelter just in time for it to start raining.  One would think I would have slept great after a long day's hike and nice cool rainy weather in a warm toasty sleeping bag.  But nope.  I have yet to ever sleep on a backpacking trip.  But I do miss doing it.

My trail name is 'winky tink.'  It used to be tbass - a nickname of mine from college, but Paul overheard Dr. Bowman refer to me as 'winky tink' once and he declared that it was forever-more my trail name. 

I really look forward to the day I can put my pack back on again. 

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