Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 50 - Glenda the Ghost

This is a picture of the living room of my house.  When I first bought it, Glenda was my roommate.  She came with me from the apartment we lived in for 2 years prior.  She looks like a ghost in this picture due to the long exposure.  :)

The living room looks exactly the same.  The only difference is the carpet is not as clean and the TV is bigger in the entertainment center.  EVERY person who came over always commented on how little my TV was.  I have to admit, watching football on that little screen while sitting on the couch was a bit tough.  Oh, I also have curtains now instead of those blinds.

I bought the entertainment center at Lowe's when they still sold furniture like this - got it on clearance, in fact.  My good buds Paul and Bob put it together for me and I stained it all by myself!  It was the first wood project I ever stained and I learned a valuable lesson:  always stir stain REALLY WELL before you use it.  I stained the upper doors first, then did the rest of the cabinet, and stained the bottom doors last.  The top doors were brown and the bottom ones were a really dark red.  Oops.  Time has evened them out and no one would even know if I didn't tell them.  :)

The night of this picture we had a housewarming party and so many of our friends came to wish us well in our new abode.  We had a ton of food and a ton of fun.  :)

If you look at the picture in full size (just click on it) you will see the African Sunrise picture that is the 1st post of this blog hanging on the wall.  :)

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