Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 53 - Sophie Doo

This is the world's most perfect cat.  And she's mine.  You lose. 

Sophie was found in a church parking lot in town, young and pregnant.  She was taken in by a sweet family who found homes for all the kittens and then brought her to me for her vaccinations and to be spayed.  I still remember examining her prior to surgery and how loving she was and how much and how loudly she purred. 

Not long after she was spayed, she was back at the clinic again.  She was hurt.  She had been bitten by another cat and had an infection in her foot.  I gave her antibiotics and sent her home.  Then a few weeks later, she was back!  Again - she had infected bite wounds from being in a fight.

The owners had dropped her off and when I called them to find out what was going on, they said that their son had asthma so they couldn't keep Sophie inside.  But she was not getting along well in the neighborhood as the other outside cats were picking on her.  They wanted to find her a new home and asked me to keep her at the clinic until they or we found her a new family.

My staff all urged me "Dr. BROWN - you LOVE her!  Take her home!"

I wasn't as keen on the idea - Neema was still just a pup and although I knew she loved cats, I wasn't so sure that Sophie would love her back.  And I just wasn't sure about having two pets.

But I took her home to just 'see.'  :)  You 'SEE' what happened. 

She's so wonderful.  Really.

She's the kind of cat that when I sit down, she waits a while before she gets up on my lap.  But then she settles in and stretches out and purrs and purrs.  Occasionally she'll stretch her legs out and touch her paw to my face and just leave it there.  She slept at the foot of the bed for years - though now she sleeps right next to me.  I can move her down to the end if I need to and she'll stay.  She is friendly to everyone.  And when she has to bring up a hairball - she never does it on the carpet.  She always does it on the tile or on a little rug that can be washed.  And when her bladder gets inflamed and she feels to need to pee somewhere other than the litterbox - she pees in the bathtub.  Perfection!  You can't teach a cat that kind of behavior.

She does a 180 when she goes to the clinic, now, though.  She screams bloody murder like she would like to eat your face off - but she never ever tries to bite or scratch.  We just laugh at her because we know she's not going to hurt anyone.  Her only less-than-perfect quirk. 

The oldest cat patients I've ever had were Siamese - living to be 20 years old.  I sure hope Sophie Doo makes it that long.  Don't tell my other cats, but she's my favorite.  :)

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