Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 60.5 - Kipp and Keaton

Yesterday was busy.  But I still can't believe I forgot to blog!  Ack.

These are two great guys.  Kipp is the big guy and Keaton is the little guy.  They had just welcomed their newest addition, a baby boy named Beckett, to the family.  And I had just welcomed a 50mm lens to my toolbox.  :)

When I moved to VA, I was leaving a culture where I was surrounded by people my age, people who shared my interests and my beliefs, and people I could hang out with whenever I wanted.   I had spent 7 years being in Bible studies with other girls, being in fellowship, and being taught by great pastors.

It took me a while to find a great church - but I did.  The only thing lacking was people my age!  I tried to get 'plugged in' by going to the women's Bible study -and I certainly enjoyed it and met some great ladies - but it wasn't the same.  I tried getting involved in a small group - but I just didn't click with them.  I volunteered in the nursery - so I met some kids and some parents - but the interactions were brief. 

There was significant heartache in my life those first few years here.  And I did not have anyone to help me shoulder that burden.  At least not in the way I was used to.  I remember getting a phone call from one of the Christian Veterinary Mission guys - Brad Frye - just asking me how I was doing and if  I was still planning on doing overseas missions.  At the end of the call he asked if he could pray for me.  I burst into tears as he did - it was the first time someone had prayed for me in over a year.  It was like a rush of water over a desert-parched heart.

Not too long after that, I read a book called 'Waking the Dead' by John Eldridge.  It touched on the deep deep need we each have of being in a group of friends that will help us, carry us, love us, laugh with us, and cry with us.  Frodo's fellowship of the ring, Jesus' twelve, Neo and his gang in the Matrix, that sort of thing.  I began to pray regularly and earnestly for that kind of group here  in VA.  It took them 3 years to arrive.  :)

Kipp and his wife, Jenny were led to Staunton Alliance Church for Kipp to become our Worship and Outreach Pastor.  I remember seeing them sitting at the front of the church.  I saw that they were my age!

I almost tackled them I was so excited!

It took a while for us to actually start hanging out.  But Jenny and I began meeting for lunch on a weekly basis and we went hiking a time or two.  Soon after that, Jenny invited Rachel to join us on what had become our weekly Tuesday nights at Baskin Robbins date (ice cream for $1!)  We had been talking with Rachel for about an hour when we asked her if she and her husband planned on having kids.  Rachel then dropped the bomb that she had just found out THAT DAY that she was pregnant.  Crazy woman.  Sat there for an entire HOUR with that news churning around in her head.  I doubt she remembers anything we said.  :)

From there, a small group formed.  It has changed much over the years - but Rachel and I are still there.  :)

Kipp and Jenny have moved about 2 hours away to plant a church in Fredericksburg, VA.  I'm so proud of them.  And I'm so lucky to count them as friends.

They are now expecting their third child - due in March.  After two healthy boys, they are welcoming a little girl into the family.  I can't wait to take her pictures.  :)  I've practiced a lot by taking pictures of Kipp and Jenny's boys. 

I have always loved this particular one of Kipp and Keaton, though.

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