Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 62 - Sweet Baby Corbin

Tiny little guy at 2 days old.  Such a trooper. 

His parents were troopers, too!  Good friends of mine - Brandon and Karla - and this is their first child, Corbin.  Look at that face!  Can't you just tell what he's going to look like when he's older? 

I love his tiny little finger against his dad's. 

Doing newborn shots is not easy.  Especially on sleep deprived new parents.  :)  It takes about 4 hours to get all the shots I want - before baby and parents and photographer alike have had enough and need a break. 

Corbin's shoot was pretty uneventful - no one got peed on or pooped on.  :)

He took some breaks to eat and get warm - but we were able to keep him asleep for most of the pictures.  This one is one of my favorites.

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