Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 64 - Hiking again

This was the first time I went hiking since becoming ill in April of 2008.  This was July of 2009.  It was a lovely warm day (not hot) and amazingly, there were no bugs.  Neema and I went to one of our staple hikes - it's not difficult and there usually is no one else around. 

I was tired.  My legs hurt.  But it was great.  :) 

I'm feeling so much better these days - and I hope to get out in the woods again soon. 

I have a lot of pictures of Neema and I out in the woods.  I put her on a sit/stay command and set the camera up on a tripod and focus on her.  I then set the timer and go join her.  This is not a good example, but usually she looks right at the camera. 

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