Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 76 - Hope of Spring

A couple of years ago, Matt and I decided to do some upgrades in our yard.  These were the plants we bought.  We planted them.  We fed them.  We mulched them.  And watered them. 

And nearly every single thing we planted is now dead. 

We want to have a garden one day - this does not bode well for us.  :)

It was warm today.  It was not yet dark at 6:30 when I left work.  Spring is coming.  Perhaps we will try planting again..

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  1. I planted some Asiatic lilies in our yard..and those things will not die. I had yellow and red ones. One year, they were mostly yellow. The next year, mostly red. Now, it's back to mostly yellow. The bees and hummingbirds love them!!

  2. I will come flower garden for you!!!!
