Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 102 - Baby Penelope

Some new parents just amaze me.  This is Penelope - she is the 4 day old daughter of new friends of mine, Ryan and Kristen.  I have only met them once.  :)  They are new to our church and have been attending our small group.  They have been there several times when I wasn't there - and I only met them for the first time a week ago.

I knew that Penelope was born this week but I had plans to go and photograph another baby today.  However, baby A has decided she wants to stay in mommy's tummy a bit longer and she's not here yet.

Since my plans for my day revolved around baby pictures - I found another baby.  :)

I called Ryan today (basically, I'm a total stranger) and asked if I could come over today and photograph their newborn.  They said yes!  Even with both sets of family in town and everything!  Wow.  Brave folks.

They were troopers.  And little Penelope was an absolute gem.  This is her wearing a bonnet that belonged to her mother.  So sweet!!!!  Her nursery is two walls of windows - amazing.  Even with it being a cloudy day, the light was incredible.

Baby session # 2 with the new camera was still not super smooth - but the new tripod helped. 

Yay for baby girls and awesome new parents and friends.  Thanks Ryan and Kristen for letting me into your world for a day.  I really enjoyed it.  :)

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