Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 78 - Nelson County, VA

This was taken from the driveway of a farm I was called out to look at a sick horse.  It was a gorgeous day and a gorgeous view and I just couldn't pass up snapping a picture.  Views like this are one of the many reasons I try to keep a camera on me at all times.  :)

I look at this picture and envision myself on horseback - galloping across that green pasture towards the mountains.  It's just so..... perfect.

I live in Augusta County, which is in the Shenandoah Valley of VA.  Traveling east across the Blue Ridge mountains (Afton mountain, to be exact) and then a bit more south - will bring you into Nelson County.  

The inhabitants of Nelson County, VA have provided me with some interesting stories, bizarre interactions, and some severe injuries.  But the county has also has blessed me with breathtaking scenery, interactions with some real, honest, salt-of-the earth folks, and moments of reflection on the awesomeness of my job and where I get to practice it. 

I hate that I ended that last sentence with a dangling preposition, but I am not in the mood to fix it.


Yay, Nelson County.  Come visit it if you can.

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