Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 85 - Henna Hair Process

My friend, Rachel allowed me to share in her Lush Henna hair color!  This is the Caca Rouge block, crumbled up and ready for mixing.   Henna hair dye is all natural pigment that provides lots of shine and covers gray.  It also fades out in 4-6 weeks. This is the reason I gave it a go. 

Yeah, 'caca' means poop.  :)  It doesn't smell bad - it's very earthy.  But once it's mixed, it does look a little.... poopy.  :)  You put the henna in a bowl and place that bowl in water in a skillet on the stove.  Kind of like a double boiler.  For henna.  You gradually add hot water and stir.  And stir.  Stir.  And stir some more.  You keep adding hot water until the consistency is like pudding.  Pudding is a nicer word than the alternative - which it actually what it looks like here.  

Rachel's head covered in henna mudd.  :)

The amount of pigment in that little block is amazing!  And it makes an amazing mess!!!  

It was definitely more red than I anticipated.  Hard to imagine it coming out red with the green color you see in the tub.  That green was running down my face and neck!  

When Rachel started rinsing my hair out she said 'I'm so sorry!!!'  Those are not the words I wanted to hear.  :)  She was laughing and saying 'it's so red!  it's so red!'  

The bulk of  my hair looked really nice.  Kind of a deep auburn red all shiny and lovely.  And my gray hairs were no longer gray!  Mission accomplished!  One problem:  the gray hairs were now fluorescent orange.  Mission failed!  Haaa haaa!  I had to part my hair a little differently for a while, but it is certainly faded now.

I have a new block of henna - this time it's 'Caca Brun' which is supposedly more brown than red.  Brown will be good.   :) 

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