Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 89 - Crystal's Eye

This is Crystal and she is a white horse with blue eyes.  Very normal.  However, her owner called me out one day because her other eye had changed color.  This is what it looked like before:

And this is what it looked like after:

Pretty crazy, eh?  I was more than a little perplexed when I saw her so I took some pictures to send to my wonderful ophthalmology professors at UT to get their opinion and advice (they are SO great about that!) 

The pictures don't really capture all that I could see with my eyes - but I think they are cool pictures in and of themselves.  :)  What I was seeing (for the vet folk who read this blog) was significant aqueous flare, corneal neovascularization, and something I'm sure there is an ophtho word for that I just can't remember: the iris was not flat. It was swollen and poofy.  Like a balloon.  

Not to mention that the eye was now bright yellow instead of blue.  

The diagnosis was significant uveitis of unknown origin.  I treated her as aggressively as I could but it was too little, too late and she did lose her vision in that eye.  :(  But she's happy and comfortable and gets around just fine.  

Crazy yellow eye,  though.

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