Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 94 - Silly Faces!

For my 30th birthday I took a week long trip to TN.  I spent the first part of the week in middle TN with my buds Sam and Chad and then came to Knoxville to hang out with my bestest bud, Candi.

Our mutual friend, Mickey was in for the weekend and the 3 of us had a blast hanging out - which we usually do when we are together.  I'm not sure what all we did this night but I know that we went out to eat and laughed.  A lot.

Mickey is someone I am so grateful to know.  He is kind, he is smart, and he laughs at everything I say.  :)  He gives great hugs - the kind that hold on until you know you are cared for.  We met during my college years at ETSU - he was on staff for Campus Crusade at the time.  He now lives and works in Oklahoma, which is way too far away.  :( 

He took this picture of the 3 of us - and it's one of my favorites.

And yes, that is a tiara on my head.  And there is a purple '30' on it.  You only turn 30 once, folks. 

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1 comment:

  1. that is still the funniest face i've ever seen Mick make. and tiaras are a complete requirement for milestone birthdays, without a doubt. especially purple ones.
