Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 98 - Baby Luke and Megs

This is Matt's sister, Meagan and her first-born (our nephew) Luke.  :)  So sweet!

Luke is the spitting image of Matt when he was young - it's a bit creepy they are so similar.  Luke is a super-bright energetic 4 year old now that loves Thomas the train and dinosaurs. 

Meagan is a sweet, loving, funny genius.  She is one of the warmest people I have ever known.  A true gem.  She does some really fancy job that involves Johns Hopkins and Nasa (told ya she was smart!) but also has a photography business on the side.   Most of the ideas I have about taking newborn pictures I have stolen from her.  :) 

I think this was one of the first newborn shots I ever took.  And I love it.  Mostly because I love the people in it so much.  <3

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