Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 109 - Frustration

So, I have this awesome new camera and I'm getting pretty frustrated with it.  After lots of time spent reading the manual over and over and over and reading forums and blogs and helpful sites, I still am having issues with the auto-focus.  I have tried manual focus - but I'm obviously no good at it.  :(

I contacted the people I purchased it from (a 3rd party from to see if I can get a replacement.  A lot of folks have gone this route and the problems disappear with a new camera.

 In the meantime, I continue to take test shots and this was one that I took while laying on the couch.  This is the box that holds our remote controls.

Funky and artsy.  But perfectly in focus?  I think not.  :(

1 comment:

  1. I think that your depth of field is the problem...part of it is in focus. What is your f-stop? Maybe decrease the aperture size to get great depth. You will have to increase your time, but this might help. Usually when doing shots like this, you can center your focus, press part of the way down and after the beep, you can change your framing of the shot to me more of what you would like.
    Another trick I have is that I have several friends that are professional photographers and I get their
