Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 122 - The Washington Monument

I happen to think that my 12 year-old self took a fairly decent picture of the lovely Washington Monument.  :)  We got to go into the the monument and ride the elevator all the way to the top and look out over the city on my 7th grade school trip.  I remember being in line for a long time.  And I remember it being cold.  I squatted to the ground and pulled my knees to my chest and buttoned my jean jacket (yes, I'm serious) around my knees to make my own little cocoon.  The other students would pick me up and move me as the line progressed.  I was a tiny little thing then.  


I was not able to take the same photograph this time around.  The top picture is taken from the Lincoln Memorial - but for right now, the refelecting pool  has been drained in preparation for repairs.  

So, instead, I got a view of it from the WWII memorial (which was very nice) and one from the steps of the Capitol building.  Not sure which I like best. 

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