Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 129 - Bucket List # 2

Yes, I have a bucket list.  I've accomplished most of the items on the list - which is super fun.  Just a few more to go.  Then I'll add more to the list.  :)

Skydiving in Hawaii was pretty awesome.  It was much colder than I expected when we first fell out of the plane.  That's right.  We did not 'jump' - we pretty much just fell.  I'm not sure which was more shocking to my body:  the cold or the rapid free fall towards the earth.  The combo was enough to knock the wind right out of me, though - I don't think I took a breath for 30 seconds.  :)

Matt loved the fall.  I enjoyed the experience much more once the parachute was pulled.  I enjoyed the floating through the sky with just my feet below me - taking in the gorgeous Oahu coast.

Will I do it again?  Maybe.

But I'm glad I did it once and that I have pictures to document the experience.  :) Which, again, was awesome. 

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