Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 131 - Budding Tree and a Fence

Happy Easter! 

I have had one of the best Easter Sundays I have had in years.  I love it when Easter is late in the Spring.  The weather is warm and the grass is green and the flowers are in bloom and everything feels so..... alive!

For those of you who don't know when Easter is determined - it is dependent on when Passover is.  Passover is a Jewish holiday and the Jewish calendar is based on the phases of the moon.

Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox.  Now you know.  :)

My Sunday School lesson this morning in my pre-school class just happened to be on the Passover (we are working through the Old Testament in sequence and it was not 'planned' that I would be doing THIS lesson today.  But I did.)  :)

We also just finished a video study in our small group on the historical and contextual events that led to Jesus' death on the cross. 

It just seems like everything fell into place for me intellectually this year.  And because my mind was able to grasp the series of events and understand some things in a new light, my heart has been soaring all day.  :) 

God could have chosen any season in the year to fulfill the plan for the Messiah - Jesus' death and resurrection.  But He chose Spring:  the time of year when life bursts forth from winter's deathly grasp. 

He also chose to have Him die at Passover: that yearly celebration of God's mercy on His people and His mighty act to deliver them from the bondage of slavery. 

As I was telling my pre-school class the somewhat gruesome story that is known as Passover, I was just really struck by all of the symbolism that was contained in what I was speaking. 

It's too much to unpackage here tonight.  But it really is amazing. 

I enjoyed the sweet fellowship of my small group family tonight.  We are all here in this part of VA having been transplanted here.  There is not one VA native in our group.  We are all far away from our biological families - so we celebrated this resurrection today together.  And it was awesome.  Great food, the reading of the resurrection account from Luke 24, and a great time of worship together made up our night.  It was so good that I feel a bit guilty for people who never get to experience the church body in this way.  I count it as one of the biggest blessings in my life. 

My favorite song in recent months has been the Matt Maher song "Christ is Risen" - I was so joyous to proclaim it this morning.  If you are not familiar with it, have a listen here.

He is Risen!

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