Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 149 and 150 - Neema in the Morning

Blogger was down for repairs yesterday so I couldn't post.  Boo.

Today is day 150!  Crazy!

This is my sweet, sweet doggie on our bed - waking me up in the morning.  When I'm allowed to sleep in and Matt gets up before me, Neema comes and takes his place.  She's hilarious in the mornings.  She'll curl up next to me and sleep (so sweet!) until I'm really awake and then she throws herself on me, flipping onto her back so I can rub her tummy.  It's the ONLY time she wants me to rub her tummy.  She starts 'talking' and will jump on and off the bed repeatedly, beckoning me to get up. 

I love her.  :) 

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