Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 163 - Rock Climbing Matt

So, I missed blogging Tuesday due to our internet being non-functional and I missed blogging yesterday because our Croatian vet student, Tatjana arrived and I thought it was rude to just run off to the computer and leave her alone.

So, tonight you get the scruffy face of my hubby before ascending this rock wall with great skill and aptitude.

This was the same place where we saw the giant copperhead.  *Shudder*

It was such a fun outing.  I had been sick for 6-8 weeks prior with what was likely my first bout with Bartonella (swollen lymph nodes and all.)  I was undiagnosed at the time and I did recover with time.  But I remember being pretty weak when trying to climb this wall - but I did it!  Twice!  (It really wasn't that difficult.....)

But it was super fun.  And I loved seeing Matt be this strong, capable, outdoorsy leader.  Pretty sure I kissed him a lot this day.  :) 

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