Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 167 - Roller Skating Fun

Several years ago, our church had an outing where we rented out the local skating rink.  SO fun.  Before the night ended, there were several competitions. One of them was this one. I can't remember what it's called but it goes like this:

You line up 4-5 people at a 'starting line' and tell them 'go!' and they skate around once.  When you approach the starting line again, you take off one skate and push yourself around on that one skate.  When you approach the starting line the third time, you take off the remaining skate and run.

It's VERY hard to run after having roller skates on for 2+ hours.

This picture is of our former youth pastor, Rick.  I can't remember if he won or not.

I do remember competing against 2 girls who worked with me that I invited to come skating - and them beating me. 

Getting old is rough...... but roller skates really are fun.  :)

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