Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 173 - Bowling in the USA

Matt and I currently are hosting a recently graduated veterinarian from Croatia.  Her name is Tatjana and she is awesome.  :)  She lived in Boston for 5 months a few years ago and she was in Michigan at a small animal clinic for 6 weeks before she came down to VA ten days ago on this trip.  Her English is phenomenal.

We pretty much just worked the first 5 days she was here.  Not much American fun to be had.  But on Memorial Day, we slept in and went to a cook-out at some friends of ours' house in Harrisonburg.  She likes food and so does this group of friends - so all were happy and well fed. 

I have taken her to Cracker Barrel to introduce her to 'Southern' food and we have watched some 'So You Think You Can Dance' to allow her into 'my' world.  :)

This past Friday, a friend of mine from TN came to visit.  The 4 of us had dinner here Friday night and just hung out.  Saturday, Chris and I went on a 'photo hike/outing' and then came back here and he taught me some magic tricks for editing photographs.  You will see more of those soon. 

But one of the things Tatjana wanted to do was go bowling.  That IS a very American sport, ya know?  :)  She did really, really well!  Bowled an 80 her first game!  (She is very athletic.....)  But this picture is Chris trying to help her with her timing and form.  I wouldn't say she 'got it' completely, but it did not matter.  She still did very, very well.

The 4 of us had SO much fun bowling!  It was the greatest day for me.  A day of hiking, photo editing, a trip to our favorite Mexican place (Baja Bean) and our favorite ice cream place right next door (The Split Banana) made up the day and bowling ended it perfectly.

Tonight, Tatjana and I sat at our dining room table and I taught her how to do an intradermal suture pattern on pig feet we bought at the grocery store.  How awesome is my life????  I am so thankful and so blessed.  And I'm also so tired.  Going to bed now....



  1. What Leslie didnt add to the story was that I threatened to "smoke her" in bowling. She beat me 2 out of 3 games.


  2. Truth! Leslie was the champion.

    A great night with great friends.
