Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 187 - Turtles in Oahu

On our honeymoon in Hawaii, Matt and I visited two islands.  The first was Kauai and it was lovely and quiet.  While on a tubing adventure there, we met a couple who lives on Oahu that told us about where the beach is where the TV show "Lost" was filmed.  I was not a fan of the show at the time, but Matt was.  The wife gained my interest by telling me there were always sea turtles on that beach.  I was game.  :)

So, after skydiving in Oahu, we found the beach. It was gorgeous and there were lots of turtles!  The one rule was that we were not supposed to touch them.  Matt actually went snorkeling with them and they swam around him like friendly giants.  I would have joined him but I was too weak from my illness and feared I would drown.  Seriously.

But I occupied myself quite nicely by taking pictures of the turtles.  :)

Before we left, I posed with one so Matt could take my picture.  

Nice turtle. (See what a good rule-follower I am by not touching it?)

And then.....WHOOSH - a wave pushed the turtle up onto my feet!

I knew I was not supposed to be touching the turtle - but I had no choice!

And then, as quickly as it happened, it was over.  And the turtle was back in the ocean - free!

Turtles in Oahu.  Awesome.

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