Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 189 - Mickey Asleep in a Bean Bag Chair

Ahaa haa haaa ahaa ha!  I LOVE this picture.  Now it is safe and sound on the internet never to be forgotten or destroyed.  :)

This is my third year college dorm room which I shared with Dana at ETSU.  That's my bed and dresser in the picture, and that's Dana's awesomesauce bean bag chair.

Mickey was a hard working staffer with Campus Crusade for Christ.  Early to rise and late to stay up, sometimes he needed an afternoon nap.  This particular day, our room was the napping place of choice.

He is the only other person I know that can fall asleep as quickly as me.  :)

Love you, Mickey. 

And I just realized when I zoomed in on the picture that I still use the same alarm clock (from 1995) AND just about a month ago, finally got a new laundry basket (it's under the bed in the pic.)  

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1 comment:

  1. That chair was the bomb! I probably couldn't get out of it now though. =) That chair went with my sister to Virginia Tech where it died a horrible cat claw and urine death after 4 years there. It had a good long life. I have a different version of this same picture still on my wall as part of a collage. =)
