Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 198 - Hasta Blooms

I'm having a hard week.  Dr. Nice is on vacation and it's just Dr. Barton and I to handle the clinic.  I've been working since last Friday and had a pretty busy weekend.   Monday and Tuesday were insane.   Yesterday was not as busy but I felt awful - I am pretty sure I was running a fever all day.  Tired.  Achy.  Yucky.

But it was a GLORIOUS June day outside.  Absolutely stunning.  Warm, but not hot.  Not humid.  Clear skies. 

When I got home, there was that wonderful evening glow happening.  I decided to take advantage of it and do something 'fun' in order to unwind and relax.  I took the picture of the peacock feather and just when I was ready to come inside, I saw my hastas blooming in the back yard.  Not yet time to go inside....

I took several pictures of them from the side.  And then I realized that I could actually get underneath them.  I've read that the best way to take pictures of flowers is to go at them from a different angle than how we usually see them.  From underneath is a great way to achieve just that. 

I actually laid down in the mulch and had the camera sitting on my face.  My face = tripod.  :)  I got some really good shots, but this one is my favorite. 

I also got a few bug bites and had a spider crawling on my shoulder when I came inside.  :) 

All in a day's work.  And play. 

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1 comment:

  1. I love this pic, too. Maybe I'll set up a L.Sheridan gallery in my house and invite people over for viewing parties...
