Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 209 - Maryland Family

Matt is originally from Maryland and most of his family still lives there.  We surely do not make it there as often as we would like.....

This is a picture of Matt with his sister Meagan's husband, Aaron and their son, Luke.  I do believe that Luke likes his uncle Matt.  :) 

Megs is one of Matt's very favorite people with good reason.  She is an absolute jewel.  Her hubby, Aaron (whom Matt calls 'Jake') is a great guy, too.  Aaron also works for Marriott and just happens to call Matt 'Jake.' 

It's awesome.

It's also confusing.  Because Megs and Aaron have a second son - Matthias Jacob.  And guess what they call him? 

Jake.  :) 

Love to the dawgs.  Koala Paw. 

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