Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 221 - Pink Shirt

Oh, I'm going to hear about this one in a few years....

This is a picture of my niece, Eliza (on the right) and my friends Sam and Chad's SON, Cole (on the left.)

It was just after Christmas - and all of us were celebrating in TN.  We were hanging out at my brother's house and his wood stove had the place pretty toasty.  TOO toasty for Cole and his long sleeves.  His mom asked if there was a shirt of Eliza's that he could wear to cool off.  My sister-in-law Kristie went hunting and found 2 shirts his size.  One was white, one was pink.  When asked which one he wanted to wear, the not-quite-two year old replied "pink shirt!  pink shirt!"

Much to his father's dismay.  :)

Cole is ALL boy.  There are no worries.  And there is nothing wrong with strong men liking pink shirts. 

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  1. That was so hilarious. And it's how I reminded Jonathan for awhile who Sam & Chad were: Remember the couple with the son who wanted to wear the pink ruffly shirt?....

  2. Hey, my dad rocked a pink shirt and multi-print madras plaid golf pants. He always said it took a real man to be ok with wearing pink. Otherwise, you are just worried about someone being too judgmental.

    When Finley asked why boys don't wear skirts and have short hair, I showed her pictures of quilts and pointed out how the deeply hasidic jewish boy in the class below her had long hair (they cut it at a separate point in life, while leaving the facial rings), she understood a bit better. Cultural mores are only loosely related to right and wrong when it comes to fashion.

  3. kilts, not correct function.
