Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 240 - Lisa

I met Lisa 5 1/2 years ago when she brought her cats into the clinic I work at.  I liked her immediately and invited she and her husband to come over for a cookout and to visit our church.  They did - and have been a part of my life ever since.

She fed me dinner more times than I can count, listened to me as Matt and I struggled with our relationship,  made my wedding cake, and helped me to understand that God really does answer prayer.  She has been a wonderful friend. 

I said good-bye to her today - as she and her family are moving back to FL.  I will miss her immensely.

This picture was taken as we were celebrating her 30th birthday at Baja Bean in Staunton, VA.  That tiara she is wearing was worn by me on my 30th birthday - given to me by my friend, Jenny (I think!)  Our friend, Rachel also wore it. 

Every woman should wear a tiara when they turn 30.  :)

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