Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 268 - Challenger the Eagle

This was during my senior year of vet school, during my exotics rotation.  My group was privileged to visit Dollywood's Eagle Foundation which is a rehab facility for all birds of prey.  They have these huge flight cages for the birds and they each have their own 'room' (see the doors in the background?) with a perch and other bird necessities.  

We also got to have our picture taken with Challenger - who is perhaps the world's most famous Bald Eagle.  If you don't know about him, click on his name to see one of the websites about him.  I've seen him fly around Neyland Stadium more than once and it causes a lump to form in my throat every single time.  He's amazing. 

My two weeks on the exotics/wildlife rotation at the University of TN's College of Vet Med were two of the coolest weeks I have ever experienced.  :)

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