Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 280 - TN Football Game

Matt and I are on vacation - so blogging is going to be spotty.  Friday we drove to TN and saw Brian Reagan LIVE at the lovely Tennessee Theater (the last time I was there was my vet school hooding ceremony.)  He was hysterical - but I was tired!  We went with my bestest, Candi and her hubby, Jonathan.  Good times, good times. 

Yesterday was a gorgeous September day and thanks to my friend, Chris - Matt and I attended the UT football game.  We had great seats (AND a free parking pass!) and we won.  It was a great game that was a lot of fun. 

We went to dinner afterwards with Chris and some new friends and today we drove to Greeneville (my hometown) and have been hanging out with my family.  My niece beat me at my new favorite game:  Spot It. 

Seriously.  I was creamed by an 8 year old. 



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