Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 292 and 293 - More Neema at the Beach

Even with the first day's fiasco fresh in my mind, I decided it was just not right for Matt and I to go to the beach without Neema.  So, we took her along and I employed a new strategy for allowing her to play successfully without developing explosive diarrhea.  It worked, for the most part.  :)

And look how happy she is!  :)  Wet dog = happy dog. 

The first part of the plan was to use something bigger that was easier for her to see - that way she didn't go pouncing in the water for her toy that was not there (and thus prevent the huge guzzle of salt water.)  So, I used her Jolly Ball.  It's bigger than any other toy she has AND it floats!

The second part of the plan involved keeping the Jolly Ball in the really shallow surf or up on the wet sand.  No diving = less water intake = less diarrhea = happier Neema and me. 

:)  We totally and completely wore her out.  It was so good .  It was a lovely day and we 3 all had a great time. 

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