Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 310 - Taco

My classmate, Mary lost her friend this week.  Taco was one of the sweetest little dogs ever.  She was our unofficial vet school class mascot.  And she was awesome.

Most of us in vet school did not actually have pets with us due to apartment living.  For those of us in that situation (I being one of them) having a little dog around from time to time was just good.  It helped remind me during those very long days and weeks and months of class just why I was doing this.  It's funny how different learning about dogs is from being around them.  And how much easier it is to learn about them when you get to physically interact with a living one. 

I know that Mary is very sad.  I'm sad for her.  I'm sad with her. 

Thank you, sweet Taco, for being such a good friend to us all. 

I took this picture during our end of school picnic our senior year.

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1 comment:

  1. Leslie,
    Thank you for the tribute to my special baby...She is missed dearly but I know she will always be with me!
    love you,
