Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 314 - Activated Charcoal

Sometimes dogs eat things that are bad for them.  Like this dog.  Who ate an entire bottle of ibuprofen.  

When we can't force them to vomit or pump their stomach because it's been too long since they have ingested said toxin, we have but one remedy:  activated charcoal.

Charcoal.  Black, sticky, awful tasting charcoal.  Charcoal that has the ability to bind to anything non-organic and remove it from the GI system.  Magical charcoal.  It makes lots of sick dogs, cats, and cows better.

But convincing them to swallow said magical charcoal is an altogether different thing.  :) 

I believe in people they sedate you a bit and pass a tube into your stomach and THEN put the charcoal in.  People don't have to taste it.

We are not so nice in vet med.  

So, how do you keep a beautiful dog with white legs and feet from getting all covered in black charcoal as they spit it out as you try to force them to swallow it????

Cover them in a smock!!!!!  Just like your two staff members that you have asked to administer the awful black goo.  They wear smocks AND gloves.   

And then, just for added measure, wrap a towel around the smock.

Then you only have to clean off her face.  :)

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