Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 319 - Communion

We have a vet student staying with us for the next two weeks and she and her husband were married on the very same day as Matt and I!  They were married in Gettysburg, PA - so they enjoyed the same lovely weather that we did on May 24th, 2008.  

We've been reminiscing about that day because of talking about it with her - so I was looking through some of our wedding pictures.  

One of the things that happened at our wedding that only a few people know about is just what we were served for communion at the end of the ceremony.  

Larry (who married us) is a funny guy.  We love him so much.  The sacraments that he served to us were as follows:  a twinkie and a kool-aid cooler.  

I'm not kidding. 

I looked at him a bit mortified when he handed me a twinkie to bite into and then I whispered to him "what am I supposed to wipe my hand on?"  He replied "wipe it on my jacket."  Which I did.  :)  I had frosting on my fingers and I did not think it appropriate to just lick them clean.  Ha!

Then the kool-aid.  It was a bit difficult to keep a solemn state of mind when taking the Lord's cup in a plastic bottle that you have to suck on.  :) 

But the sentiment was pure and we trust that our remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice was honoring to Him.  Even if it was a bit.... non-traditional.  :) 

Thanks, Larry.  Miss you!

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