Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 322 - Stepping Back

My pictures lately have been lacking much 'story.'  I've been a bit busy with a vet student visiting (she's great!)

So, it was time for a more substantial post.  Here I am - likely age 8?  9?  Somewhere in there....

And it has 3 of my favorite things present:  a dog, a baby calf, and me wearing my favorite color - purple.  :) 

I remember this day.  Likely because there was a picture taken to commemorate it.  My dad took me out in the field because a mother cow had wandered off with the rest of the herd and left her calf alone.  Usually, these calves 'stay put' as their mother tells them to do until she comes and calls for them.  This one was likely only a couple of days old and mom was not nearby - though we were on the watch for her.  :)

The dog in the pic was my first dog, Jasper.  He was a really great dog. I think he is posing quite well for this pic.  Heh.

I always wanted to be a vet.  I always loved animals and it was a job that interested me for lots of reasons.  My great-great-grandfather was a veterinarian (even though he did not go to vet school - he was awarded a license to practice based on his experience and knowledge.)  My other great-great-grandfather was an MD - so I get the medical gene honestly.  My dad wanted to be a vet - but didn't like school so much.  I think I partly wanted to be a vet because I liked the profession and partly because I wanted to make my daddy proud of me. 

I have enjoyed this profession immensely.  I have been so blessed to work here in VA with the family of Commonwealth Veterinary Clinic for 9.5 years.  And though I am not leaving, I am stepping back a bit.

I just formally reduced my hours to part-time status. I am going to work 30 hours a week instead of my normal 50-60 hours. 

I have been ill since our wedding 3.5 years ago.  This stubborn tick-borne illness has wreaked havoc on my body and worn me out - literally.  It's time.  It's time to give my body time to heal.  Time to rest.  Time to enjoy other aspects of my life.

I am beyond thankful for having a boss that supports and loves me.  And I am in awe at how God is providing for our clinic during this time.  It's just amazing.

So, I will still be doctor Leslie who gets to play with cows and dogs - but I'll just be doing it a little less often. 

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