Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 325 - A Bull

This is a bull I sedated to examine because he could not swallow and his tongue and all sorts of grass and hay were hanging out of his mouth.  The farmer did not have a chute to restrain him in, so I darted him with the dart gun on a trailer and waited for him to get sleepy.

Here he is sleepy.  His tongue is hanging out very near to his own manure.  I'm sure if he could say so, he would say that he is grumpy.

Today I am grumpy.  I am this palpably irritable thing. 

My skin is super sensitive.  I woke up at 3am with severe leg pain that kept me awake for hours.  I am stressed for no good reason.  Normal noises are physically painful to my ears (like nails on a chalkboard.) 

I've been this way a couple of times during my illness - and I realize that is what is causing this. 

But that doesn't make it any easier.  Especially for my poor hubby.  (Sorry, hon.)

So, I'm going to go and read in bed and hopefully fall asleep and stay asleep with the help of some ibuprofen and benadryl and pray that tomorrow is better. 

And I will also pray that tomorrow I do not write such long run-on sentences. 

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  1. Praying for your sleep and well being as I go to bed dear Leslie! Carleen

  2. Catching up on your posts and sad to read of your discomfort. Praying for you!
