Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 335 - Thankful

I'm thankful today for many things - including my family.  I have multiple forms of family - which is a blessing I do not take for granted.  Last weekend I was able to feast with my biological family in TN.  Today I shared a feast with the Bowman family here in VA.  Such a tremendous joy I have because of these two families of mine.

We had not taken a picture of all of us together in TN since Matt and I first started dating back in 2004.  That picture can be found here.  Hee hee.  None of us have changed a bit, have we?

In the current picture, front row, we have:  me, my mom Mitzi, my aunt Edie, my cousin Katie, (on the floor) my niece Eliza, my sister-in-law Kristie, and my bestest bud Candi.

Second row:  my great-aunt Marie, my grandmother Catherine, uncle Frank, grandad Bob, dad Bobby, and my brother Jason.

Rounding out the back:  my bestest's hubby Jonathan, my hubby Matt, and Katie's hubby Charlie holding their son, Sullivan. 

What a crew!  :)

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