Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 32 - The 'C' in DISC

A few years ago I was given the opportunity to attend a 3 part veterinary leadership training course in Colorado.  During two of those courses, we focused on the DISC personality assessment profile.  (Like the Meyers Briggs, only easier to understand, I think.)  Most people have a dominant personality and then a secondary.  As I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, I am a dominant 'I' and a secondary 'C.'  We did a lot of different exercises and one of them involved us breaking into our primary personality groups.  We were then asked to put on our paper the following things:  Our DISC letter that we were representing, a theme song to represent said personality, our strengths and weaknesses, things we both appreciate and are annoyed by in others, and what we appreciate and struggle with when working in a group setting. 

This is team 'C' and their chart.  Note the extreme organization of the chart and the neatness of it.  I was not involved in this chart as 'C' is my secondary persona.

I'm a 'C' when it comes to tasks. (And when I'm under stress.)  Bank on it.  Tomorrow I'll post the 'I' chart - it's hysterical.  And you will then understand a little more why my personality is such a conundrum to most folks.

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  1. I'm such a C, it's not even funny. Secondarily S/D. No "I" in sight =)
