Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 33 - The 'I" in DISC

There is no way this is as funny to you as it is to me, but I'm ok with that. :)

You see, there were 4 groups - with 4 paper easels.  The other 3 papers looked much like the previous 'C' chart did.  They were charts.  With categories.  And columns.

This is the 'I' chart.  The guy teaching this section of our DISC training burst into laughter when he saw ours.  I mean, it says so much all by itself.

The 'I's' theme song is "Don't Worry, Be Happy."  :)  We need a little help with organization and time management.  But we are bubbly, happy, team players who do not like whiners or poopy faces.  Haaaa haaa ahaa haa!  (BTW, this is not my hand-writing nor were all of these my suggestions.)  If I had been the designated writer, my 'C'ness would have made categories and columns like any good 'C.'  But this was completed by what is called a 'turbo I' - someone who doesn't really have a strong secondary personality.  She was all 'I,' all the time.  And she talked with her hands just like me.  :)

I loved learning the DISC stuff - and I find that the training I received in it really helped me to identify pretty quickly what others personalities are.  This helps me in relationships across the board for several reasons.

The first is simply understanding that we each are made different.  Personalities are hard-wired in.  Sure, behavior modification can be done and life-experiences and parenting and other influences can have an effect.  But God gave each of us our own unique personality at birth.  And not everyone has a personality like mine.  That means that not everyone thinks like I do.

That's huge when you really understand it.

Since learning about the DISC, I step back every once in a while (I should do it more) and try to approach a situation tailored to the person I'm engaging.  Since this was all taught to me at a leadership conference, this was something they really tried to get us to embrace and gave us tools to do just that.

And let me just say, for those of you who want to talk to me about an issue, I'm not a fan of whining.  Or poopy-faces.  :)  That part really is true. 

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  1. I love that you said if you had been asked to write on the board, your C-ness would have taken over and created proper columns and charting. It's exactly what I was thinking when I saw the pic! I guess that's why we "get" each other so well. :)

  2. I got a high "I" when I took this DiSC assessment and I must say that almost all of these adjectives match my personality!
