Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 80 - The Ceiling of the Bellagio

Many years ago, my friend Paul Thompson sent me almost this exact same picture.  It is one of the artwork ceilings in the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas.  I loved the picture SO much that I made it my computer wallpaper for a very long time.

I was able to attend the Western Veterinary Conference in Las Vegas just a couple of weeks ago.  It was a great conference (made even better because I got to hang out with two of my bestest buds from vet school - Sam and Chad!)  We took only one evening to go out and really check out the 'strip.'  I was very excited to take my very own picture of the same ceiling in the Bellagio. 

But every time I see it, I will still think of my bud, Paul.  :)

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1 comment:

  1. And now I will think of you... we'll be in Vegas next week and I will now HAVE to take a picture of the ceiling in the Bellagio! :)
