Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 81.5 - Dana in the Pool

Oh Dana.  :)  I love this picture of her.  And I love her.  I'm sure one has something to do with the other.

I met Dana at that same freshmen Bible Study in college at ETSU.  We didn't really start hanging out a lot until the next year, though.  And we were roomies our third year of college.

Dana has the purest, most infectious laugh of anyone I know.  I have often wanted to have a recording of her laughing just to play when I was in a sad mood.  I can't help but laugh when I hear her laugh.

And laughing was something we were never short on in college.  :)

Dana has the ability to see the best in people and she is trusting to a fault.  A fellow animal-lover, she and I were destined to be friends.  I'm sad we don't get to hang out as much as we used to - but time and distance and life have that effect on us. 

But I am thankful for her and her friendship.  :)

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  1. Too funny!! I don't remember this picture! What in the world was I doing?! Thank you so much for the sweet words..I too am sad we don't get to see each other as much. =( I do think and pray for you very often though! I miss your giggles. =)

  2. Hear, Hear! I, too, am addicted to Dana chuckles. I think of her when Jonathan makes me watch Wipeout and I grin thinking about her laugh. You're fun, Dana.
