Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 193 - Dancing with my Brother

Matt and I's wedding had several special dances.  I grew up in a dancing family, afterall.  :)

One of the special dances was me with my big brother, Jason - showing our fancy footwork doing the Sweetheart Shottish.  It's a country couple's dance that he learned while I was in college.  He taught me and it was always the dance we did together when we would go to Cotton Eyed Joes (a country line dancing club) in Knoxville.

When Tatjana was here a few weeks ago visiting from Croatia, one of the things she wanted to do while in 'the South' was go to a country line dancing place.  So, I took her and Matt to Cotton Eyed's.  It was the first time for them both.

It wasn't the same as I had remembered it.  Granted, it had been 10 years or so since the last time I was there...but one of the things I missed most was not having my brother there to Shottish with me.  :(  I found an older guy who was wiling to be my partner - but he was no where near as good as Jason. 

Jason and I grew up dancing together, as we were clogging partners.  We used to go square-dancing with my grandparents on a regular basis and since he and I were usually the only kids - he was usually my partner.  Though, he and my grandmother usually did the polka and me and my grandad would do the waltz.  :) 

We fought.  A lot.  But we also had a lot of fun together. :)  Recent years have brought us closer together in new and good ways and I'm so grateful.   He's a great brother and a great dance partner. 

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